Hello Everyone,
Layne is home safe and sound and we are so thankful that he had a good mission and it has been fun to visit with him. He will be attending College of Southern Idaho and starts school on August 25th. That is the same day the rest of us start school.
Just wanted to invite you all this Sunday July 13th to the church in Heyburn where he will be speaking in Sacrament Meeting at 9:00 AM We will be having a picnic in our yard at around 1:00 pm after church. We will be having Hoagies and Layne wants to try some Navajo Tacos (we will see I've got the cooker set up in the shed) If you are able to come to the meal and want to bring something you may bring a salad or dessert. Love You All Have a good rest of the week.
Gordon Koyle Family