Place: "The Club House"
978 East So. Union Ave.
Midvale, Utah
Midvale, Utah
(This is where Zach, Robin&Corey, and Emily live.)
4:00-5:00pm Prep and Appetizers
5:00-6:30pm Dinner
6:30-7:30pm Games and Desserts
G&G Stoker- Help with Turkeys, Gravy, Jello salads, Pies, and Desserts
Sandra- Rolls, Jello Salads, Potates?
Annette- Jello Salad, Yams,
Marvin- Butter, Olives
Ange&Mike- Turkeys
Lawna- Appetizers, and Veggies
Eileen- Dressing, Jello, Pie
Robin- Manditory Rest!
Kim, Heather, Zach, Josh, Layne, Emily, and anyone else.
If you are coming please bring a pie, dessert,
or appetizer of your choice to share.
or appetizer of your choice to share.
If anyone has changes or wants to bring something else just let Me know.
Bring a White Elephant -if you choose to participate in the gift exchange.
**All the siblings and Mom and Dad will be getting pictures Friday at 1pm. @ The Photogenix in Orem. Please wear Red, and or Black unless you can think of something better.
Love, Grandma