Friday, October 23, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009

Ok, I could just copy the list from last year...but here it is! And the time is ???? what, mom?

Grandpa/Grandma--turkey, warm veggies, jello salad,pie

Sandra and family--Rolls

Annette/family--Jello-salad, pie, yams


Lawna-appetizer (munchies before)

Kevin and family--Jello salad, Fresh veggies

Marvin--butter, olives

Angela--Turkey, potatoes, pies, jello salad

If you need to change your assignment, let me know!!

Bring a White Elephant -if you choose to participate in the gift exchange. Kim, will you make sure your dad reads this?? :)

**All the siblings and mom and dad will be getting pictures Friday at 12 (noon). If ALL spouses are available they will come as well. Please wear casual attire in one or all of the following; blue, red, black, tan.